Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shouting the News

First i feel the need to explain this isn't something i would normally watch so i picked some people at random like Larry king. After watching Foxed out in class Bill O' Reilly seemed like a good candidate to watch seemed at least interesting to see what makes him say shut up. 
When watching Bill O' Reilly's Show i'd have to say i was disappointed. He did not tell anyone to shut up. I was rather bored, I'm guessing the election is going his way. He was still louder than his guests, but not yelling at anyone like seen in the documentary. All of his guest seem no agree with him. I wonder if thats because they were all Fox New Contributors. He seems very opinionated and i don't feel i learned anything from him. He seem very arrogant, that is a big turn off for me and normally ends in me changing the station. I think a one hour of him is torture not informational.

Larry King seems a little different. He speaks more Calmly. Larry king ask questions and tries to lead you you in to what he want to say. He doesn't use the shut up method from what i could see. He seems to talk to more famous style people like Jon Stewart. Larry king Doesn't seem to use CNN Contributor to make story swing more there way. I think i could play him at least as background noise his demeanor is much more tolerable.

So Larry king wins this battle for less annoying. I doubt anything will compare to the original.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reality Television: real or unreal?

Will We Survive Reality Television?

   I personally miss the days that you could watch music videos on MTV and VH1. I staying up late and falling asleep watching Bevis & Butthead, and then waking up red hot chilli peppers " give it away". Most children had nightmares of scary things, mine evolved five half-dress naked gold men dancing around and singing "give it away now," woke me up in terror every time. I then get up turn off the tv and go back to bed, ah... the good old days of my childhood.

   Now looking back and reminiscing, my break up with MTV was the debut of Real world, and I haven't since looked back. Over 20 years ago now, I can still remember the useless drama of the real world. All what seemed like stunts to grab attention of America, and that it did. With reality television now being the staple for our popular culture I find my self watching less cable television and more movies or documentaries. Of course this does mean I have a whole lot less to talk to with people, especially people in my age group. when I took my nephew snowboarding while walking around looking for this instructor, I asked another instructor, "where I could find Mary Kate?" he said, "look for the Snooki look alike". Never seeing Jersey shore I was still confused and asked, " who's Snooki?" I think he was more confused that I have never seen the show. 

   The only real length of reality show I ever really got to watch was the Deadliest Catch, and Ultimate Fighter, thanks to my husband's obsessions. When ever he would watch the Deadliest Catch, a men's catered reality T.V. show, I would just complain or leave the room. I felt it was just another one of those stupid show in the wave of popularity with most reality shows, but apparently this is one of the most watch.

    Now does this mean that it is a better show or do we just have more men watching theses shows? I doubt it but I do hear more men talking about theses shows around town. I had to listen to one of graphics teachers talked about the teen mom and how it makes him feel better about himself. I feel better about my self if I was learning graphic design not about his addiction to teen mom. 

I feel as a society, we are putting to much time and brain power into these reality shows. The only reality to this is that we are wasting precious lives watching this junk. This is another thing I blame for making our society stupid. STOP worrying about these people. YOU making more inbreed Americans popular to save a dollar. Do you really want your children to act like this? They should use reality shows for what not to do campaigns. Not to promote and display to our bad behavior to our children. Forget if Martians use this as a way to see how humans behave, what if some other country is looking at this?and now think this is how all americans act. Will American survive reality television?