Sunday, November 18, 2012

Athletic Scandals

  It seems like if play professional sports, as long as you’re not sleeping with your coach or someone famous, no one really cares about you sex life. Of course unless you are breaking the law, by being a peeping tom or rapist, you’re in the clear. There have been some weirdoes that have gone that route but not many or at least not many that get caught.

It is kind of sad when the biggest sport scandal of our time is Tiger Woods and his affair. It is shocking for a Golf player, but hardly for the sports industry. The unexpected is what gets noticed because people are shocked when they see this kind of behavior from such a role model. It seems as long as athletes are scoring points we don't care how much they are scoring under the sheets. It is not like other athletes don't do it or get caught. As a society we really don't care about it and turn a blind eye when it is an athlete. I believe that questions are what drives a scandal. 

Look at Michael Phelps and all the scandals surrounding him. There were two that stuck out in my mind, a three some with some strippers and his, still not forgotten, pot scandal. The stripper scandal didn't go that far because we as a society expect that from a young, successful, single male. On the other hand a pot head winning 8 gold medals in the Olympics is unheard of. It is lucky if a pot head gets off his couch let alone win any gold medals for anything. If it was a performance enhancing drug I’d understand peoples skepticism but even I question how he did it and think he deserved all his metals, plus one for pulling it off. It makes me wonder if he didn’t smoke how much better he would have done If not smoking. His cardio would be insane.


  1. That is true about how the two stars are perceived by the world and how their scandals are handled or remembered. If you mention the name Tiger Woods on the street, his adultery comes to mind, not golf accomplishments. Think about Michael Phelps, strippers and marijuana aren't the first things that come to mind. His 22 Olympic medals and world records are. Part of that is due to how the scandals were handled and the severity of the scandal in the eyes of the public.

  2. I forgot about the Michael Phelps scandal. I must say his pr person did a hell of a good job cause they cleaned his mess up very fast. i remember when the story had a whole lot of attention but it died down very quickly.

  3. I agree with your thoughts and views in reference to both the athletes. Tiger Woods today is considered an adulturist not the greatest golf player alive which is bull crap. Yea what he did was wrong but it shouldnt reflect what he became famous for. He's still just as good of a player he was before, the only thing hes bad at was keeping his affair on th DL :) Unfortunately alot of people saw him as role model so thats why it was such a BIG story and still is remembered like it happened just yesterday.
